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बचपन से पढने में रूचि थी. सब से पह्ले रहस्य कथाएँ तथा कहानियां पढने लगा.बाद में चरित्रात्मक उपन्यास में रूचि निर्माण हुई. उसी दौरान कविताओं का रसास्वाद लेना शुरू हुआ. आपातकाल के समय कारावास में विभिन्न राज्यक्रन्तियाँ तथा राज्यों के उथलपुथल जैसे विषयों में रूचि जागी.उसके पश्चात् जीवन चरित्र, आत्मचरित्र और तत्वज्ञानात्मक, आध्यात्मिक विषय पढने में रूचि लगने लगी. पढ़ते समय जों भी अच्छा लगा उसे लिखना तथा मित्रों से साँझा करने का स्वभाव बना.    और पढ़ें….
Dr. mmvaidya


Hindutva: Reality, Self Expression, and Core Strength Dr. Manmohan Vaidya Once a II year college student while introducing himself said he writes short stories. Read More….

Why This Defeatist Psyche ?

It seems to me that Bhutto and Aziz Ahmed tried in a carefully calibrated manner to put the Indian team on the defensive. Strange as this may sound, the Indian team… Read More….

How A Nation is Born?

‘A nation is neither given as a gift nor got as a present, nor bought with gold or silver, nor offered by a treaty nor achieved by an agreement. It is the creation of the people….. Read More….

Latest Articles

The invincible, eternal ‘we’
The acute awareness of being a part of this colossal ‘we’ offers inspiration in extending selfless service, notwithstanding any threats to life and free from expectations of name and fame.
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Declaring tribals as non Hindus shows lack of understanding of Bharat
It is not mere coincidence that Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh that are at the epicentre of the activities which form the subject matter of this write-up, have been hotspots of conversion activities. Read More
Integrated Bharat is a geo-cultural phenomenon
The mention of integrated Bharat causes many to raise their eyebrows. It is imperative that this concept be differentiated from the typical geopolitical expansionism.
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Time to align with untainted Bharatiya philosophy
As per a social philosopher, ‘Unless we decide who we are as a people we cannot decide what our priorities can be.’
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The Paradox of Our Times

Is it that we have taller buildings but shorter tempersWider free-ways but narrower viewpointsWe spend more but have lessWe have bigger houses but smaller familiesMore conveniences but lesser timeWe have more academic degrees but lesser senseMore knowledge but lesser...

वैचारिक घुसपैंठ का संभ्रम…

वैचारिक घुसपैंठ का संभ्रम घुसपैंठी कहते ही हमारे मन में सीमा के पार से हमारी सुरक्षा व्यवस्था भेदकर हमारे देश में घुसने वाले विदेशी लोग ही आते है. उनके कारण निर्माण होने वाले राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा के प्रश्‍न, देशांतर्गत कानून व्यवस्था की स्थिति, रोजगार, सामाजिक तनाव आदि...

Hindutva: Satya, Swattva and Sattva

Hindutva: Reality, Self Expression and Core StrengthDr. Manmohan Vaidya Once a II year college student while introducing himself said he writes short stories. What kind of short stories? I asked. He narrated a recently written story. Those were election days....

Saffron Surge

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While applying for her driver’s license, Deepa was asked by the clerical staff to state her occupation. Deepa hesitated, uncertain how to clarify herself. “What I mean is” explained the clerk. “ Do you have a job, or are you just a …”“Of course I have a job.”snapped...

Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho What is a Good Teacher:"It is someone who examines everything he teaches, Old ideas can't enslave men because, with time, they have to be adapted and be given new shapes. So let us take the philosophical riches of the past and keep in mind all challenges...

Mother of all Scams

Their previous complacency brought to mind the performance of Robert Clive, in 1765, before a parliamentary select committee: Questioned about the wealth he had amassed in India, he replied memorably that considering the opportunity open ti him, he was amazed by his...

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Prayer is Calling Back Home

Prayer is calling back home Prayer is, in essence, coming home, for it brings us into connection with our deeper selves. It is the way we speak to God, and its beauty and poetry and devotion should match that in our hearts. Prayer is the broom that sweeps out our...

Whatever You Say God

An old ferryman with a long white beard and merry twinkling eyes would carry the travelers from one end of the river to another. Although there were bigger vessels and more luxurious boats to do the same, his simple wooden boat, with a lantern hung at one end and the...

Just a Mom!

While applying for her driver’s license, Deepa was asked by the clerical staff to state her occupation. Deepa hesitated, uncertain how to clarify herself.


ભોજો ભરવાડ

ભોજો ભરવાડ રોજેરોજ છેતરાય ,કિયે : હાલ્યા કરે, હોય; દળો શેઠ રોજેરોજ બમણું કમાય,અને કરે હાયવોય. રાત પડ્યે ભોજો કાં તો ભજન ઉપડે,કાં તો ગણ્યા કરે તારા; ઝીણી વાતે દળો કાં તો ચોપડો ઉઘડે,કાં તો ગોખ્યા કરે ધારા. એક દી ઉલડીયો કરીને આયખાનો ,સુખે હાલ્યો ગયો ભોજો; દલા શેઠ માથે...

ગમતું મળે તો અલ્યા

ગમતું મળે તો અલ્યા, ગૂંજે ન ભરીયેને ગમતાંનો કરીએ ગુલાલ. આડા દે આંક એ તો ઓશિયાળી આંગળી,પંડમાં સમાય એવી પ્રીતિ તો પાંગળી,સમદરની લ્હેર લાખ સુણી ક્યાંય સાંકળી ?ખાડા ખાબોચિયાને બાંધી બેસાય, આ તો વરસે ગગનભરી વ્હાલગમતાંનો કરીએ ગુલાલ. ગાંઠે ગરથ બાંધી ખાટી શું જિંદગી ?સરીસરી...


मनांत आठवणी गर्दी करतात…

मनांत आठवणी गर्दी करतात... मनांत आठवणी गर्दी करताततेव्हा हसतमुखानं त्यांना या म्हणावं,उंच मखमली आसन देऊनप्रेमाने त्यांना बसा म्हणावं.स्थानापन्न झाल्या कीहळूच विचारावं,'काय घेणार ?'त्याही बेट्या मिश्किलमिश्किल पणाचा आव आणूनत्याही विचारतील ,'काय देणार?'मोकळेपणानं उत्तर...

माणसे वाचतांना…

माणसे वाचतांना चष्मा काढून ठेवावाजुन्या माणसांना भेटतांना नवे व्हावेनवे पान उलटावेपुराणा संदर्भ चाळू नये.... माणसे वाचतांनाविरामचिन्हे ऐसपैस पेरावीत.मोकळे मन आनंदाचे महाद्वार असते. आपले वाचन, आपणच करावे,डोळे व कान यांत अंतर स्मरावे. माणसे वाचतांना अडखळलेलेच बरे.मुख्य...

फुरसत के पल

फूल से बोली कली

फूल से बोली कली, क्यों व्यस्त मुरझाने में है?फायदा क्या गंध औ' मकरंद बिखराने में है? तू स्वयं को बांटता है, जिस घडी से तू खिलाकिन्तु उस उपकार के बदले में तुझको क्या मिला? देख मुझ को, सब मेरी खुशबू मुझी में बंद हैमेरी सुन्दरता है अक्षय, अनछुआ मकरंद है में किसी लोलुप...

बात ऐसी कर

बात ऐसी करजिसमें कुछ दम हो.जो न सेरों से, न छटाकों सेमगर मन से तुले.खो न जाए गूंजकर आकाश मेंमन में घुले. बात ऐसी कर जिसकी कुछ असर हो.बात ऐसी कह जिसका ठीक सर हो, धड हो.बात का भी होता हैनिजी अस्तित्व अपनाठीक जैसा आदमी का .बात लेती जन्म, जीती है और मरती है.कफ़न देकर...

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